Vendor Policy

We recognize that vendors at our convention - either in the Dealer's Den or in Artist Alley - are a critical part of the overall Megaplex experience for our attendees. We are working to help these venues be successful for everyone!

Therefore, all sellers are required to abide by the Convention Code of Conduct and the following Megaplex Vendor Policies. Failure to do so will result in being required to leave the vendor area with any sales privileges revoked.

Who can Sell

Only vendors approved by Megaplex are allowed to sell at Megaplex. Anyone selling who has not been approved risks being removed from the convention space and forfeiture of their badge.

Only approved vendors with a Florida Tax Certificate, a Florida Business License, or proof of registration for a Florida Tax Certificate. Even if approved, any seller without one of these documents will not be allowed to sell, and no refund will be offered for any fees paid.

Where you can Sell

The Dealer's Den and Artist Alley will have designated locations within the convention space. Sales are allowed only in these designated locations and not anywhere else on hotel property.

No Dealer's Den or Artist Alley space may be shared or re-sold without permission from the Dealer's Den Lead.

What you can Sell

The following may not be sold at Megaplex:
  • Weapons, including prop weapons.
  • Pirated works. This includes AI-generated derivatives.

Special Artist Alley Restriction

The only items that may be sold in the Artist Alley are goods created by the seller. A composite work is allowed if it is at least 75% of the original work of the seller.

Adult Material

Megaplex complies with state and local laws for displaying adult material. No such material may be displayed openly, and mature art should be grouped separately (i.e. in its own binder), with explicit parts of any artwork must be discreetly covered. The seller is responsible for…

  • Keeping unsuitable material out of the hands of minors by visually checking registration badges. Registration badges will clearly indicate if the buyer is underage.
  • Bagging adult material so that it completely hides the material so it cannot be seen, even partially, once outside the adult area.

How you can Sell

Prize drawings where a purchase is required to participate are illegal in Florida. If you offer a raffle (and this is not encouraged), then it must be available to anyone without purchase. Please note that you may not block the sales areas of others or the aisles to hold the raffle.


No more than two people may be behind a single Dealers Den table at any time. Artist Alley spots are restricted to one person. Exceptions must be approved through the Dealer's Den lead.

Fire Safety

Spaces between tables and behind tables cannot be infringed upon to ensure an adequate evacuation route in an emergency. Further, trip hazards must be removed to ensure the attendees can get to safety without injury.


AC power usage within the sales space is regulated. Sellers may not connect to hotel power without permission and payment.

Audio Visual

No loud or distracting displays are permitted. Bright lights or flashing lights are not allowed.

Aisle safety

The seller's belongings and displays must remain within the seller's specified area or else directly underneath the table; floor stands, free-standing displays, or any objects blocking the aisle are not allowed.


Due to space constraints, sellers or Dealer's Den staff may ask loiterers to make way for customers, especially during peak times.

Cancellation and Abandonment Policies

Cancelation of a dealer's table must be received via email at We can only offer a refund up to 120 days past the date you registered, after which we can only offer you a credit to apply for the following year. Unfortunately, we can not provide a refund after the pre-registration cut-off date. Canceled Dealer tables will be offered to the next person on the waiting list and cannot be transferred.


Tables that have not been claimed by 10:00AM on the Friday of the convention without prior notification to the staff will be considered abandoned and given to the next waiting applicant on the list. No refunds or credits will be given for abandoned tables.


Artist Alley vendors may be asked to leave the alley at any time for reasons including but not limited to those described in the convention code of conduct or in the published vendor policies.

Decisions on Selling

The Dealer's Den lead retains the final say regarding the adherence of any seller or attendee to these guidelines, the standards of conduct, or any other dispute that arises. In the Artist Alley, both the Dealer's Den lead and Artist Alley lead have this decision-making authority, with the Dealer's Den lead say being ultimately final.